One of Climb That Mountain’s goals is to provide seed money that initiates a new program in an existing 501c3 non-profit, that is not meeting a specific need of the challenged child. We do this by creating a partnership through the collaboration of our mission statement with their goals in four identified categories: education, recreation, developmental delays, and international programs.


Many students in our communities have not only physical challenges, but also emotional, financial, psychological, or developmental mountains to climb. Climb That Mountain seeks to undergird and encourage those who face these overwhelming obstacles by setting up scholarships that undergird their journey. In doing so we walk alongside them in a show of support, as they climb the mountain placed before them.

Currently we have provided seed money to start programs within the following organization(s):


This is a 3-year endowed scholarship at Fort Worth Country Day School in Fort Worth, Texas, funded in 2023 for K-12 children who have a physical, psychological, emotional, or developmental mountain to climb.

Congratulations to the 2024-2025 recipient, Grace Kim, a rising 8th grader who emulates the 3A’s through her love of hands-on-science labs, an interest in soccer and running, plus a commitment and passion to playing the violin. Grace enjoys reading, theater, and writing her own scripts. She is looking forward to new math opportunities and trying Latin for the first time. Climb That Mountain looks forward to hearing about Grace’s progress on the mountain she continues to climb.

If you are interested in participating in this initiative or learning more about it please visit this link.


Climb That Mountain is currently researching 5 other schools, with the goal of initiating a second scholarship in 2026-2027. Our dream would be to initiate Climb That Mountain Scholarships all over the country. Currently we are in negotiations with Austin Community Fund in Austin, Texas to fund a Special Needs Continuing Education Scholarship at Austin High School.


CTM desires to initiate recreationally related programs that cater to children with physical and/or developmental disabilities. One of the best ways for a handicapped or challenged child to be affirmed is to be included through interaction and participation in normal, recreational activities, and there are many creative opportunities in this area due to specialized equipment. CTM desires to participate in offering these children new experiences and possibilities through creative programing by making “not a disability but a possibility” a reality.

Currently we have provided seed money to start programs within the following organization(s):


In 2024, Climb That Mountain partnered with Adapt-Able Foundation to provide seed money for a specialized diving experience for adaptive children and their families. This scholarship funds children who desire certification with a follow up opportunity to practice this skill at a specialized camp. The new program Adapt-Able YES (Youth Experiencing Scuba) will be launched in August 2024 and will explore vibrant marine life and breathtaking underwater landscapes while offering new underwater experiences and classroom learning opportunities, in the area of marine life. Currently eight children are registered for this unique camp experience. To learn more about Jr Scientists in the Sea in Panama City, Florida please visit this link.

The Adapt-Able Foundation is a veteran operated non-profit organization dedicated to bringing together adaptive and able-bodied people so everybody can have their lives changed by experiencing SCUBA. For more information and/or to make a donation directly to this program visit this link.


On June 15, 2024 Climb That Mountain was a co-sponsor of a Lake Witney C.A.S.T. for Kids event designed to provide children with disabilities the opportunity to enjoy a quality outdoor recreational experience through the sport of fishing. 18 children, and 14 boats with untold numbers of volunteers showed up at Parson’s Marina Lake Whitney for an amazing six hour event. To see photos of the C.A.S.T. for Kids experience visit our Gallery.

C.A.S.T. For Kids Foundation is an organization whose goal is to enrich the lives of children with special needs through fishing. It was formed in 1991 as a public charity to join volunteers who love to fish with children who have special needs . For more information or to donate to C.A.S.T for Kids, navigate to this link.

3. 2025 GOALS

Climb That Mountain is continuing to search for initiatives in the recreational field for children with disabilities. In 2025 we are hoping to partner with Be An Angel Foundation to initiate a Success Golf program in the Fort Worth area by providing seed money in collaboration with other donors. The goal is to introduce Success Golf into 10 public schools, serving 300-500 special needs children. The possibilities are limitless in this area and we are researching other areas in which Climb That Mountain can participate.


As one of our long term goals, we plan to partner with schools, camps, career, and/or support groups that foster confidence and independence in the learning disabled, through the creation of new and innovative programs. As a long-term goal, this is still in the planning process. Currently we are in negotiations with the Austin Community Fund in Austin, Texas to initiate a Special Needs Scholarship at Austin High School, in Austin, Texas.


We are seeking opportunities in Africa to provide seed money for scholarships & equipment for the physically handicapped. There are many agencies that provide equipment and help around the world, but there are still many areas in which children are underserved. We are seeking to identify these areas and initiate programs that will meet these needs.

Currently we are discussing collaborations with two agencies where we would provide seed money for scholarships & equipment for the physically handicapped in Malawi, Africa. These programs are part of our long-term goals for 2024-2025.