In 2024 Climb That Mountain provided seed money for 8 adaptive divers and their families to experience a week-long scuba camp at Jr. Scientists in the Sea, a marine-biology camp in Panama City, Florida. To learn more about the camp click on this link.

The C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation is a a501c3 non-profit organization that offers over 210 fishing events for special needs children all over the country. Their mission is to enrich the lives of children with special needs, support their families, and strengthen communities through the sport of fishing. Their goal is to empower families and communities to celebrate children with special needs, making these children feel valued and loved so they can overcome limitations and be successful.

In June 2024 Climb That Mountain sponsored a CAST for Kids event at Parson’s Marina in Lake Whitney, Texas. 18 children boarded 14 fishing boats piloted by volunteers, with almost all children catching one or more fish. For many it was the first time ever to experience being in a boat. Learn more about a CAST for Kids event near you here.

C.A.S.T. for Kids


The Dallas Junior Wheelchair Mavericks Is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization founded in 1979 with a mission to offer a competitive and recreational atmosphere in which children with disabilities can have a happier and healthier lifestyle.

In 2023 CLIMB THAT MOUNTAIN supported the Jr. Mavs by providing travel/accommodations for players to attend required out of town tournaments. If you want to join us in supporting and/or donating to the Jr. Mavs, visit this link. Click here for donations via Venmo.

Be An Angel’s mission is to improve the quality of life for children with special needs by providing adaptive equipment, hearing devices, select services, and support programs. They believe that children are the heart and soul of humanity, that they represent all that is good within us, and that we can help children with special needs experience life at their fullest potential.

In 2023 CLIMB THAT MOUNTAIN supported Be An Angel by donating to Casa de Luz. Casa de Luz means House of Light and is the bright star in the lives of 40 severely disabled children in the Dominican Republic. Born into poverty, these children were neglected with no one to care for them. At Casa de Luz they receive medical care, needed equipment, nourishment, physical therapy, and a loving family. Find out more about what House of Light is doing and how you can help here.


The Believe It Foundation was founded in 2008 for the purpose of enriching the lives of physically challenged children through the inclusion of those children in the lives and experiences of those who do not face the same limitations. Their vision is to prevent these children from being needlessly excluded from opportunities to participate with others in normal sporting and family activities and has supported hundreds of children with physical challenges through school-based programs, camps, excursions, social activities, and college scholarships.

In 2023 CLIMB THAT MOUNTAIN supported the Believe It Foundation by supporting their Bikes In Schools program which provides adaptive bikes in 14 school districts in coordination with PE programs and Special Education teachers to promote social inclusion for the physically disabled. Learn more about the Bikes in Schools program here.


Adapt-Able Foundation is a veteran operated non-profit organization, dedicated to bringing together adaptive and able-bodied people so that everybody can have their lives changed by experiencing SCUBA. Adapt-Able creates experiences in the medium of water for people with physical, emotional, and developmental disabilities to enjoy SCUBA diving.

In 2023 CLIMB THAT MOUNTAIN supported Adapt-Able by providing funding for scuba training for the physically handicapped to experience the freedom of movement and independence in the water. Learn more about Adapt-Able here.